Punta Cana Currency & Converter Dominican Peso (DOP)

The local currency in the Dominican Republic is the Dominican Peso (DOP). Any currency can be changed into pesos, but in some situations it may be difficult to exchange DOP back into original currency. We recommend exchanging only small amounts of money at a time. And don’t forget your driver’s license or passport! Please note that local ATM machines disburse only pesos, contact your bank for related service fees.

If you are going to Santo Domingo, you will find that souvenirs, clothing, artwork etc. is much cheaper than at the resort. Also, in touristy areas all shops and restaurants accept US dollars, Euros, Canadian dollars but this is not the case for local places, because they will most likely just accept Dominican pesos (DOP) and US dollars (USD). In a lot of places paying in pesos (DOP) will be cheaper – Source.

FAQ About Currency in Punta Cana

What is the currency in Punta Cana?

The official currency of the Dominican Republic is the Dominican Peso (DOP).

What is the best currency to take to Punta Cana?

In many places you can use American dollars (USD), but you will generally get a better rate when paying in Dominican Peso (DOP).

Does the Dominican Republic accept Canadian dollars?

Sometimes it could be possible that Canadian dollars are accepted, but we suggest to use Dominican Peso (DOP) or American dollars (USD).

Can you use your debit card in the Dominican Republic?

You can use your debit card (CIRRUS, MAESTRO, PLUS) at most cash machines in the Dominican Republic.

How much money should I bring to Dominican Republic?

Average prices: a ticket to the movies: 250 DOP, drink at nightclub: 450 DOP.

Do taxis in Punta Cana take credit cards?

The best option is cash. Some taxis are equipped for cards, some not.

Is Dominican peso same as Mexican peso?

The Dominican peso (DOP) is not the same as...

Read more → https://everythingpuntacana.com/punta-cana-currency-converter/


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